Product Overview
F-Zero GP Legend is a racing game that plays similar to the original Super NES version of F-Zero and uses features from F-Zero X on the Nintendo 64. The game uses a new Mode 7 effect designed for the Game Boy Advance to allow the background layers to rotate and scale to display the course.
Players take control of their vehicles known as machines by pressing A to accelerate, B to use brakes, left and right to the corresponding direction on the D-pad, and the L and R shoulder buttons to drift to the corresponding direction. Players can attack other racers using Side attacks by pressing the L or R buttons twice depending on whether the opponent is on the left or right side. Players can perform a boost ability on the second lap of races by simultaneously pressing L and R buttons. Other methods of gaining a boost is by releasing and pressing the A button in quick succession and holding the A button for a specific amount of time during a race's countdown.
Race tracks contain obstacles and supporting features such as Jump plates, Dash plates, Rumble Strips, and Mine Fields. The Jump Plate allows the Machine to jump upward and may cause fall damage to the player's machine. To avoid damage, players can press the down directional button on the D-pad to move the machine's nose upward as the machine descends and make the jump last longer.